Thank you! Your Donation will be applied to: Alpha Academy Timberwolves
Please note that your donation receipt from will include ONLINEDONATIONS (Charleston S.C. 29412) and may or may not include the school/organization name. An email notification of your donation will also be sent to the coach/admin.
Our groups have requested all donations be sent to our OnlineDonations home office for quick processing. If you prefer, you can mail your check directly to the participant. Either way, all checks should be made payable to the team or group and mailed within 7 days to ensure proper credit. Select "Yes" to continue, choose an option and we'll alert them via email your donation is on the way!
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What is the convenience & processing fee?
A $3 convenience fee will be added for each credit card donation. This fee helps us maintain our secure website, accurately process all funds, provide donor/organization support and comply with all regulations as a licensed, bonded fundraising company.
For questions, please contact us at 888-741-2963 Ext 2.