From the Harrison Cheer program...
At Harrison High School, our goal every year is to run a first-class cheer program. To do that, we need your help to make our cheer season a truly memorable one. This fundraiser will help us to offset the cost of our upcoming season as well as pay for needed miscellaneous expenses for our teams.
We want to give our teams the best opportunity to succeed and create as many new memories as possible. Harrison Hoya Cheer is asking for your assistance to help make this possible. Any donation is greatly appreciated and a tax-deductible receipt will be issued for your support.
Go Harrison Hoya Cheer!
A Message from Coach Kelly Dickmann...
Harrison Hoya Cheer Family, friends, and fans - Thank you so much for taking the time to view our fundraiser page. Our cheer program includes 60+ student-athletes! Donations will allow us to provide the funding necessary to create a great environment for our participants to experience success. Donations will go towards uniforms, fees, banquet costs, senior gifts, and travel costs.The support from our parents, friends and entire Harrison community is vital to our success. If you have an opportunity this year to watch our squad perform at a game or any event, please know we would love the support!
We appreciate you...
Your support is vital to the success of our program. Your generous support will help us offer a higher-quality experience for all participants. If you could please spread the word about our fundraiser by sharing it with your friends via Email, Facebook, and Twitter we would greatly appreciate it! 2024 is guaranteed to be an exciting season as we continue building a Standard of Excellence.
Thank you for supporting Harrison Cheer.